Keyboard Shotcuts for Google Plus | Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts | | Always at your Services

Keyboard Shotcuts for Google Plus | Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Plus also has its share of shortcuts, but they are relatively fewer, and they can only be activated in certain instances, such as when a post or a particular section of the website is in focus. Here are the most commonly used shortcuts for Google plus.

Key Function
K Go to previous item in the stream (feed)
J Go to next item in the stream
Q Search for people to chat with (when chat windows is active)
Space Scroll down
Shift + Space Scroll up
Enter Start new comment (when focused on a post)
Enter + Tab End comment
@ or + Tag someone (start typing a name)

These were the most common shortcut keys for the most popular social media. If you know of more such shortcuts, then do tell us in the comments below, and we might add it to this list. Regards :)
Read More for Facebook and Twitter :-

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