I would personally except the fact that during my early stage of blogging, I personally shared some wrong SEO concepts and I used to learn them online from other fellow bloggers, but after becoming a certified SEO, most of my concepts related to how search engines work are now pretty clear.
The information shared today is a result of thorough research and study, so you can confidently apply this tutorial to all your current blogs. Lets first discuss how links are structured and then share some wrong ways of optimizing them.<a href="http://xyz.com" >Link Text</a>
This is a naked link with no link attributes. To optimize this link in order to tell search engines how much value should be given to the link you shared, most webmasters are using pretty strange ways.
Correct Concepts
These are rel link attributes that are validated by w3 (World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)) and search engines:
For telling robots that though you are linking a webpage but you don't trust it or recommend it as a quality publishing website.
rel="external nofollow"
This has exact similar meaning as that of nofollow attribute but the word external tells robot that the linking is pointing outwards. In most SEO forums, its also discussed that it has the same effect as that of target="_blank". Target blank is an HTML attribute that opens a link in new window and external nofollow does the same. But this is not true because if you click any comment link on this blog or any other wordpress blog using "external nofollow", you will observe that the link opens in the same tab. What I understand is that the difference between nofollow and "external nofollow" is that they both have the same effect but "external nofollow" is a better approach to use when the link is pointing out-words i.e Should be added to outgoing links you don't trust.
Series will continue .................................
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