Tips For Skype Users | | Always at your Services

Tips For Skype Users

Skype, right? It is free, easy and all your friends are in there. For all of you mega Skype users I have prepared four useful tips that will make your Skype experience even easier and more interesting.
  1. Using Skype hotkeys: The first one is something many people do not know it exists in Skype. I am talking about hotkeys. Many programs have quick keyboard combinations that can be used for faster communication between the user and the program. Skype also offers this feature.

    By default the hotkeys in Skype are disabled, but you can enable them by going to the menu Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Hotkeys, and then check the checkbox Enable keyboard shortcuts. Browse through the list of tasks and see the ones you will use. You can even customize the keyboard combination for each action. Remember to save the settings when you are done.

  2. Use Skype from a browser: Yes, you can even do that. Pretty useful, don’t you think. I mean, you can open Skype from every computer (or any device) with internet. It does not matter if Skype is installed there or if you have rights to install software at all on the computer.

    The way to sign in with Skype via a browser is to use the website Don’t worry about your password though. The information passes through a secured and encrypted connection, so your log in information is safe.

  3. Free video surveillance with Skype: Bet you didn’t think Skype can do that as well. Actually it is a pretty awesome trick to do. You can monitor a place inside your home with Skype and a webcam, while you are gone.

    To do that, you must first make a second Skype account. Now set up that account in a way that it can only receive calls from people in the contact list, and also to automatically start a video call when someone calls. Now add your Skype name to its contact list, so only you can call. Set up a computer with a webcam pointed at the valuable thing you are monitoring in your house. And that should be it. You get the idea right? You can now call from anywhere to this Skype account and a video call will start, sending you direct video with the object in your home, that you are monitoring. All for free too.

  4. Two Skypes at the same time: One Skype is not enough, right? Logging in two Skype accounts from the same computer could be very useful. You can do that as well. All you need to do is download SkypeLauncher. It is a free peace of software that will help you. With it you can open Skype as many times as you want. You can log in with many different Skype names on the same computer.

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